Lake Stewardship
Lake Stewardship
It is important that residents and visitors understand their role in protecting Lac Ste. Anne and the lake ecosystem as a whole. What can seem like an unimportant or minor action by one person can be magnified when repeated by many and can significantly impact the quality of our lake’s water, the plants and animals that rely on it and the humans that enjoy it for recreational activities. Learn more about lake stewardship.
Lac Isle & Lac Ste. Anne Water Quality Managment Society (LILSA) is a non profit society committed to promote the protection of Lake Isle and Lake Lac Ste. Anne. Their goal is to improve the quality of the water. The society is run entirely by volunteers. To become a member there is a small annual fee of $20.00 per family. The society encourages Village residents to become involved and together work together on improving the quality of the Lakes. LILSA has many different projects aimed to improve the quality of the lake. The information clinics are free of charge to members. Membership booths will be set up at all LILSA functions. Click link below to be directed to the LILSA webpage for more information.
LILSA Webpage is
Click here for Alberta Water Invaders Brochure
Lakes are one of the most treasured aspects of the Alberta landscape. They have become an integral part of many lives, whether you are a long-time lake resident or someone who visits lakes occasionally for boating, fishing or wildlife watching. Unfortunately, many lakes and watersheds in Alberta have seen extensive land clearing and development, resulting in large amounts of nutrients entering lakes and lake sediments. Years of reduced rainfall coupled with excess nutrients has resulted in lakes that have many water quality issues, such as excess aquatic vegetation growth or extensive blue-green algae blooms.
The Respect Our Lakes (ROL) program was developed within the Government of Alberta and aims to support and engage Albertans in lake stewardship. The program provides the tools and resources to help lake users understand, value, and actively manage lakes through the application of relevant legislation and science.
Check out these ROL brochures
Aquatic Vegetation and Lake Health
Cyanbacterial (Blue-green Algae) Blooms
Maintaining the health of Alberta’s lakes is everyone’s responsibility. Actions of individual lakeshore residents, decision makers and land users around the lake add up to make a huge difference. Here are some examples of what you can do:
- Keep wheels out of the water – regulations prohibit people from using off-highway vehicles (OHVs) on the beds and shores of a permanent and naturally occurring body of water
- Leave your shoreline and aquatic vegetation in its natural condition – in fact, it is illegal to do any shoreline modifications or aquatic vegetation removal without written authorization from Alberta Environment and Parks
- Plant native plants and shrubs where shorelines have been cleared
- Refuel your boat using spill control devices or fill tanks well away from water
- Use no fertilizers or only organic, slow-release fertilizers placed well away from the shoreline
- Watch for aquatic invasive species and report or remove as appropriate